Well this is awkward. And by this I mean the fact that I purchased my own domain for this blog just to end up never posting on it. But I think it's time for a little TAYLORED revamp! I want to add more of a career/professional aspect to this blog because I think an online portfolio for me is the way to go. It also gives me a lot of extra bragging rights since you all can see the fruits of the labor that has taken me away from this blog for a year and some days and think "wow, she's so smart, now I can appreciate the minimal posts she has here". Let me give you a little update to my life since I last posted on this blog.

I'm now blonder, which is the most important change I've undergone TBH. I always wanted to be blonde because it was just different, but now I've decided I want a change again. Check my Insta on August 10 to see where I'm heading next!

I spent my summer in Columbus, Ohio interning for Senator Sherrod Brown's reelection campaign. I was always terrified to start an internship because I'm scared of failure and public embarrassment. Those two fears either must be lessening or a greater cause is pushing them under the rug because I survived with only minor embarrassing moments!

Last November I was chosen to be the new recruitment chair for my sorority. It's pretty weird, but I think it also shows great character development! In high school I spoke so little that I think my physics teacher literally thought I was a mute (Sorry Mr. Banet, but your class was great!) and I was never involved in anything. To be fair, we had a one club limit and if you got denied entry into one club you didn't have much of a choice of another to join. But I got to go to Columbus for leadership workshops in February with the executive board, and this summer I got on a plane for the first time in over ten years to go to our national convention in Phoenix. It was so beautiful and fulfilled all of the times I watched Breaking Bad and wished to go to the west.

What else am I doing you ask? First, I'm learning how to code! It's actually very simple to learn at first, I think all of my years on Tumblr with theme HTML's has finally paid off. Karlie Kloss has also inspired me, and I think it'll be such a helpful skill to have in my career field. Second, I'm teaching myself how to be ambidextrous because I want a fun fact to use in new social situations. The fun fact is not that I'm ambidextrous, but it's that I learned how to become ambidextrous because I wanted a fun fact about myself. Third, I'm finally starting to run at the gym. I never thought I would be able to run for more than 60 seconds, but my record is about 12 minutes now. Everyone says that running is the easiest way to get into shape so I'm testing that theory.

Now I'm a senior in college. Let's let that sink in. I vividly remember posting on this blog when I was a senior in high school. Back when I thought something great would fall into my lap and cause me not to have to go to college. But it turns out that college was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I guess I'm only kind of sad I never found enough buried treasure to never face the pressures of job hunting and taxes. I don't know literally anything about taxes, but I feel like that's a relatable adult thing of me to say.

When I first started college I wanted to go into fashion journalism. Then I went to a Hillary Clinton rally and realized that politics were what I wanted to do with my life (That story has a lot more detail, but it was for another post about the election that's still sitting in my drafts). I realized that I wanted to help people and bring them together to support causes and most importantly, I want to bring people together to support each other. This fall is my last semester of classes at Kent State University, and then in the spring I'm headed to Washington D.C. for my last semester of college. It's terrifying, but in the best way possible. For the first time I'm scared but really happy about it.

This barely scratches the surface of the last 14 months, but if we tie this all together and go back to the first paragraph of this post, all of this has led to the revamp. I am becoming an actual adult and this time next year, who knows where I'll be, but I'll have a college degree. Wild stuff. I want to use this blog more as time goes on, because I feel as if now is a great time to document my thoughts and my interests. This content will be so interesting to look back on in the next few years as I learn to navigate an entirely new life. I think I'm bad at promises, so I can't say that my posts will be frequent because this might be the last post I ever put on here. I hope it won't be, but you get the point.
