do i need to post an intro?

I've tried to start this blog two times before, but I feel like third times a charm. Since going off to college and seriously thinking about what I want to do in the future, starting a blog seems like a no-brainer to me. Throughout high school I was getting more into fashion and bloggers and even youtube creators who have created a successful brand for themselves and secured career advancements thanks to technology. That makes me sound like I'm trying to create a blog to be mainstream definition successful, but that's not the point. The point is that I'm trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do.

I know what I want to do in broad terms; write. But write about what? Write on what kind of platform? What kind of voice do I want when I write? These are just some of the questions I have for myself, and I think that starting this blog can help me with that. And I also think this blog can bring me success. Not worldwide success that will plummet me into stardom (knock on wood actually), but personal success knowing I can use this as an outlet, keep up with it, put myself out there, and hopefully improve my writing.

I'll warn you now that I don't know what exactly will be on this blog. I have ideas and many, many drafts, some as old as 2013, that are all about the things I like. So I assume my first few months on here will straight up just be about the things I enjoy and a lot of my opinions on why I'm always right. But I guess that's blogging! Can blogging even be defined in one way? (That's a question I'm not answering on this blog)

I've always hated putting myself out there, and most of you probably know me as being quiet or shy. So putting that in the success category, I hope that this blog can help me with that too. I will expose myself to all of the internet trolls and all of the criticism. Even though my fear of rejection is like hoe don't do it, I guess I'm doing it.

If you read my blog, thank you, no matter if you hate it or love it. It doesn't matter to me because you're all just numbers on the page view section of my dashboard and are page views what get you sponsorships? (Just kidding (only kind of))

But who knows, maybe I'll have to write an intro for a fourth time.
