ULTIMATE STYLE LUST: manspiration edition

Style is everything, it's not just the clothes. It's what music you listen to, your favorite pieces of art, your favorite movies and how you put yourself together on a daily basis. A large part of it is also the hair. My current manspirations have all of the above. There are things to be said about men who have style but I'm not going to be the one to say it. I'm just here to marvel at how sometimes nature doesn't completely f it up.


I'm starting with the best (and my favorite) space man there is. Oscar Isaac is a great actor, he can sang and I love his style. He wears some of the most basic clothes but honestly it's not about what you wear it's how you wear it. And he wears it pretty well. He's also the internet's boyfriend so he has that going for him as well. Also, the dancing scene from Ex Machina is on a constant repeat in my brain.

RIZ Ahmed

First off, I can relate. Secondly, Riz Ahmed is a gift. He's also a man that's good at everything (acting, rapping, writing, being a meme) so I feel like the style comes natural for him. He dresses really cool i.e. leather bomber jackets in every color, simple button ups and the classic baseball cap. If you don't know who Riz is, that's understandable, but I highly suggest you follow him on social media to encounter more gems like the first photo.

 RAMI Malek

So Mr. Robot is my new favorite show and I think all of you should watch it. I finally finished both seasons and 10/10 do recommend. Rami is great and as per usual of obsessing over a new tv show, I've watched tons of interviews and searched through the tumblr to decide he's actually my soul mate. His style is part of the reason why he's my soulmate. It's classic. It's simple. It's exactly what I'm looking for (= soulmate obviously.)

HARRY Styles

Who would I be if I didn't put this man on my list? (Fake, that's who I would be.) Sometimes Harry wears things and I'm like dude what are you doing? But other times I'm like I can't believe Harry Styles invented men's fashion. He isn't afraid to push some boundaries and without that mindset we wouldn't have seen Harry in a floral printed Gucci suit in 2015, not once, but twice.
